…to beauty and bodywork, and develop tools to help creatives improve their work with my digital Photoshop tools! I absolutely love to be involved in…
…out why she loves the ONE so much for her photography work. Therese Asplund is a Swedish portrait photographer with a great passion for lighting….
…learn more about the amazing work they are doing. I recently did my first photography workshop with my good friend Jonny Edward in Los Angeles….
With the Elinchrom ONE It is a privilege of ours to share stories from creators and communities all around the globe. With the launch of…
To say Brenda is a portrait photographer is an understatement. We love how she encapsulates the stories and emotions of everyday to extraordinary people. Let’s…
We absolutely love Felix Kunze’s work, his approach to lighting, his subjects, and his ability to simplify teaching photographers how to use light. Felix Kunze…
…art with Photoshop. While in college, when photography made an appearance in my life, I ultimately had a full grasp of the program already. It…
Brandi Nicole, a portrait photographer based in Brooklyn, New York, is well known for her self-portraiture work. While in quarantine, she challenged herself to stay…
with Michael Clark Using the ELB 400 and ELB 1200 in tandem is a very complimentary setup and works really well. On the other hand,…
Inspired by the look of classic films, you can find this type of lighting used everywhere, from ad campaigns to the covers of fashion magazines….