…as the ELB 1200. In short, this unit is damn near perfect. Red Bull Story Chasing The Shot Available on www.redbull.tv Related products Related articles…
…its complex simplicity, while reminding us of the fragile and ephemeral balance of our current ecosystem. For Emma, food photography is a way to raise…
…developing this kind of images and style for over 4 years now and posting them obstinately on flickr, 500px, 1x.com and most importantly on Facebook….
…whether the use of a professional flash head could influence the quality of my pictures compared to my previous work.” – Matt Palace – iso1200.com…
…with one specific style, as I try to innovate as much as I can. I like to get out of my comfort zone and try…
…explores her creativity through constantly evolving and trying new things. “In the beginning I really looked up to Annie Leibovitz and the Flickr photography community-…
…cheek, nose, and around her eye help to sculpt her face and create a more intense mood. I put both layers of diffusion that come…
…The composition of this image has her walking towards that light which I prefer to her walking towards the shadow. “This lighting setup created some…
…beauty dish is commonly a go to option for me when wanting to create soft light with a hint of crispness. It’s a great tool…
…more theatrical fashion images- complete with a hairless cat. Like the last example, I’m using my Litemotiv Para Softbox 120cm (47.3″). and a Rotalux Softbox…