Behind the Scenes with Trevor Godinho: Our Ambassador’s Journey


Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your professional background?

I currently reside in Toronto, Canada. With a career spanning almost two decades, I’m an internationally recognized artist and published photographer, my work gracing the pages of Forbes, Vogue Italia, Elle Canada, Sports Illustrated, Playboy France & US, FHM France & India, Men’s Health Australia, Sharp Magazine, and much more.

My skill, vision, and passion for my art have led me to travel and establish a reputation in Toronto, New York City, Miami, Los Angeles, London, Milano, and Perth – putting me and my camera in front of notable personalities and Hollywood’s’ leading men and women.

In addition to photography, having graduated from the University of Toronto with an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree, my creative range also includes painting, sculpture, and design. My work being exhibited at the Gardiner Museum in Toronto, and Canadian War Museum in Ottawa.

I also mentor the next generation of aspiring photographers and artists, who I hope will continue to tell human-interest stories with vision and expressiveness. Finally, I am an active supporter of local charities, including NATO Association of Canada, Big Blue Ocean Cleanup, Jays Care Foundation, The Forum, and Joe Carter Classic.

What does being nominated as a brand ambassador for Elinchrom mean to you?

Being chosen to represent Elinchrom is a profound honor, given its respected status as one of the photography industry’s iconic brands.

To be recognized for ones work amidst a sea of talented creatives is immensely humbling and reinforces the belief that dedication and passion can indeed make a difference in our craft.

Sharing knowledge plays a central role in my beliefs and is pivotal in ensuring the industry’s strength and profitability for all involved. This ambassadorship presents a unique platform to inspire, motivate, and impart personal insights to the next generation of photographers.

I am committed to leveraging this opportunity to contribute to the growth and sustainability of photographic industry, while fostering a communities where innovation, collaboration, and mentorship thrive.


How do you personally relate to Elinchrom’s values and mission?

I’m a strong believer that sharing experiences, failures, and lessons learned strengthens the industry. This view aligns closely with Elinchrom’s values and mission. Elinchrom is not just a lighting company; it’s an active partner in the creative journey, committed to fostering creativity and growth within the photography community.

Elinchrom’s commitment to education and community support aligns directly with my aims and values. By providing resources, workshops, and a platform for knowledge exchange, Elinchrom empowers photographers to push their boundaries and achieve their creative visions. This mission of giving back and nurturing talent reflects my own. I have always aimed to inspire, motivate, and share my personal insights with the next generation of photographers. I believe through our partnership we can ensure that our industry remains vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive.

As an Elinchrom ambassador, I am excited to contribute to its mission by offering my expertise, sharing my creative process, and engaging with the community. Whether through hands-on workshops, social media, or collaborative projects, I am passionate about helping photographers harness the full potential of Elinchrom products to elevate their work and careers.

Trevor Godinho - Holt McCallany

What is your favorite Elinchrom gear, and how do you use it in your daily work?

I’ve been using Elinchrom for over 15 years, and to date, my favorite piece of Elinchrom gear remains the Elinchrom battery packs especially the ELB 1200 kit. This kit combined amazing power with great design and functionality, making it my go to for most editorial projects and with being travel approved it allowed me to take it on planes as carry on. As an editorial photographer who frequently transitions between studio and on-location shoots, having equipment that adapts to my shooting style is crucial. The ELB 1200 kit provides the flexibility I need, delivering reliable performance whether I’m working in a controlled studio environment or tackling the unpredictable challenges of outdoor shoots.

For any photographer, especially those working in editorial fields, having a dependable and powerful lighting kit is non-negotiable. The ELB 1200 not only meets but exceeds my expectations, embodying the innovation and quality that Elinchrom consistently delivers. I know I can rely on Elinchrom to provide the tools I need to bring my creative vision to life.


Can you share a memorable experience or success story using Elinchrom products?

In 2017, when I was first selected to be a Canadian ambassador for Elinchrom, I had the distinct pleasure of helping to launch the ELB 1200 kit with Hi-Sync technology to the Canadian photography community. This experience was transformative for me, both professionally and personally.

Being part of this launch allowed me to step into the role of a public speaker, an opportunity that pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me overcome my fear of speaking to large crowds. It was a pivotal moment that enabled me to share my passion and creative process with a wider audience of photographers who are equally passionate about the craft.

Through this role, I was able to demonstrate the remarkable capabilities of the ELB 1200 kit, showcasing its powerful performance and versatility. More importantly, it gave me the chance to connect with fellow photographers, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. Sharing my insights, experiences, and the practical benefits of Elinchrom equipment not only enriched others but also deepened my own understanding and appreciation of the tools we use.

This experience underscored the value of community and the importance of sharing knowledge. It reinforced my belief that by working together and supporting each other, we can all grow and elevate our craft. The opportunity to serve as an Elinchrom ambassador has been a highlight of my career, allowing me to inspire others while continuously learning and evolving myself.

Trevor Godinho - Maylin Aguirree

How do you plan to engage with our community and represent Elinchrom as a brand ambassador?

Teaching has always been a significant passion of mine, alongside my creative pursuits. When I began photography over 25 years ago, resources on using and manipulating strobe lighting were scarce. I developed my skills through hands-on experimentation and trial and error.

As a strong advocate for learning, and one of the primary reasons I take pride in being an Elinchrom Ambassador is the opportunity to share knowledge with others on how to effectively use Elinchrom products. I plan to represent the brand through a multifaceted approach that combines education, community engagement, and creative demonstration. This is my plan:

Educational Workshops: Conducting in-person workshops to teach photographers how to use Elinchrom products effectively. These sessions will cover various aspects of strobe lighting, including the use of different modifiers, techniques for mixing strobe and ambient light, and practical tips to enhance creativity. These workshops will provide hands-on experience and personalized guidance, helping participants overcome any fears or anxieties about working with strobes.

Social Media Engagement: Utilizing my 10K+ following on Instagram and my 14K+ following on Linkedin as well as other social media platforms to share insights and behind-the-scenes content about my creative process. This includes everything from conceptualizing a shoot to choosing the right equipment and developing a lighting plan. By showcasing how Elinchrom lights and modifiers contribute to the final image, I aim to inspire and educate a broader audience.

Collaborative Projects: I plan to collaborate with other photographers, influencers, and industry professionals to showcase the versatility and quality of Elinchrom products. These collaborations will help highlight the brand’s capabilities and reach new audiences.

Community Building: Engaging with the photography community by participating in forums, online groups (facebook groups, Diversify Photo Slack Channels, Etc), and industry events. By being an active and supportive presence, I can answer questions, provide advice, and foster a sense of community among Elinchrom users.

Showcasing Work: Through my professional work and portfolio, demonstrate the high-quality results achievable with Elinchrom products. By consistently producing stunning images and attributing my success to Elinchrom’s equipment, I will reinforce the brand’s reputation for excellence.

By combining these strategies, I aim to elevate Elinchrom’s presence in the photography world, inspire others to explore their creativity, and provide valuable education and support to photographers at all levels.


What advice would you give to other professionals looking to enhance their work with Elinchrom products?

My advice to photographers is to never stop playing and experimenting with light. Understanding light requires being present, observing how it behaves, and practicing tirelessly to recreate its effects. Mastery comes from continual exploration and practice.

What I love about Elinchrom is that once you are part of their ecosystem, both new and old equipment work seamlessly together. This compatibility allows photographers to expand their kits over time based on their evolving needs and experience.

With Elinchrom, you can start with simple lighting setups and gradually progress to more complex arrangements, incorporating various Elinchrom modifiers into your toolkit. This flexibility empowers photographers to grow creatively and technically, making Elinchrom an invaluable partner in their artistic journey.