Behind the Scenes with Sjors Massar: Our Ambassador’s Journey


Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your professional background?

My name is Sjors, it’s a Dutch name that’s equal to George in English, and I’m living in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. I started as a graphic designer, before deciding to study photography at the school of Arts ‘Willem de Kooning’.

People are always at the center of my photography, whether it is portraits for magazines, commercial photography for brands, or my own creations.

Light has always fascinated me, since I started photography. After all, without light, you can’t have a photo! This is also the reason I started using flashes early on, on location, to control the light myself. This way, I can create the atmosphere I want to convey with the photo at any location.

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What does being nominated as a brand ambassador for Elinchrom mean to you?

It is a great honor to join such a wonderful team. It is the brand I have been using from the very beginning, so I know the lights inside and out. To be recognised by the brand itself, that is truly amazing!

How do you personally relate to Elinchrom’s values and mission?

By simply asking myself: what is my next adventure? Photography remains a profession where you have to adapt a lot to all the situations you encounter. No matter how dull or beautiful the location is where you stand, it is always a challenge to create the perfect photo according to your own vision.

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What is your favorite Elinchrom gear, and how do you use it in your daily work?

Currently, it is a combination of the Elinchrom ELB 500 TTL and the Rotalux Deep Octa 100cm. This setup produces soft light that falls beautifully on the people I portray, while still maintaining a bit of punch, which suits my photography style well. By underexposing the background by one stop, I can make the person stand out nicely with the ELB 500 TTL.

Can you share a memorable experience or success story using Elinchrom products?

During my trip to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, I took my camera and Elinchrom with me to make street portraits of the people I encountered. It is always sunny there, so I was very pleased that the hi-sync feature works so well. This allowed me to use the lightweight ELB 400 on the streets to take photos without having to close down my aperture.

Once in Phnom Penh, I loaded my equipment into a TukTuk, and we headed to the locations where I wanted to take the photos. I brought a translator to make contact with the people I wanted to photograph, to establish a connection with them and to hear their story. My friend and assistant Charly held the flash, and BAM, the shots appeared right before my eyes!

This series ultimately ended up on the cover of a photo magazine and included an interview inside. So, that was definitely the cherry on top of such a wonderful trip!

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How do you plan to engage with our community and represent Elinchrom as a brand ambassador?

I’m always open to share my experiences with Elinchrom products! If you have any direct questions, feel free to send me a message on Instagram. It’s my primary platform for sharing behind-the-scenes videos, photos, and my latest work.

Moreover, I’m planning to kick off workshops and Q&A sessions in the Netherlands to share my expertise with those interested in flash photography. And who knows, perhaps this could be expanded to other countries?

What advice would you give to other professionals looking to enhance their work with Elinchrom products?

Try before you buy! Visit the store and test the flash units. Once you have them in your hands, you will feel the quality and experience how easy they are to use. Also, try different light shapers to see which ones fit your style and preferences. This way, you will naturally find your favorite models. This is where the adventure begins!